About us

Work24 aims to strengthen and expand the temporary and permanent staffing opportunities for the entrepreneurs. Our mission is to create solutions for everyday personnel matters, as well as help active employees grow both personally and career-wise. Through our actions, we strive to give our contribution for creating a better and more successful business and living environment.

Your business will be guided by a professional team of experts, who rent and recruit employees, as well as ensure the proper personnel related documentation and training, specifically designed by your needs.

Work24 team has experience in staffing solutions to various countries across the continent – Norway, UK, Spain, Ireland, Finland, Sweden.


Aitame suurenenud tööjõuvajaduse vähendamist, kas tulenevalt hooajatöödest, töömahu ootamatust suurenemisest, puhkuseperioodidel asendaja leidmisel jne.

Leiame Teile vajalikud inimesed.

Võimalus riskivabalt tööjõudu värvata. Meie maksame palka, lahendame töövaidlusküsimusi, kindlustame õnnetuste vastu, lisaks boonusena peale kokkulepitud perioodi võimalus töötaja enda ettevõttesse üle võtta.

Personalihaldus (hoiate kokku võimaliku raamatupidamise, personalitöötajate ja juristide palkamise osas, andes personali puudutava juriidilise ja halduspoole meie meeskonda kanda).

Leiame personali eelkõige ehitustööde valdkonnas nt keevitajad, müüriladujad, maalrid, betoonitööd, puidutööd, lammutustööd jne.

Aitame personali leida ka tootmisliinidele, metsatööde, mehhaanikute jt valdkondades.


For the employer, we will find the most suitable employees specifically targeted for your business and needs. Just as equally we will find the best fit employers to job-seekers, who are in our database.

We offer a full staffing solution, ranging from the candidate selection and outplacement to the termination of employment contracts, once projects are carried out and finished. Depending on your specific needs, we have a legal team who will with pleasure administrate and organize your business’ documentation, accounting and personnel management in the department of labour and employment law.

Our service is a risk-free opportunity for your business to include recruitees, as we will directly handle all the personnel related matters. We pay the salary to the employee, provide them with insurance, solve the legal disputes and as a bonus, you will always have an opportunity to hire the recruitee(s) after agreed time period.




reg.code 12771671

Endla tn 24-1, Tallinn

Tel: +372 52 18 922

E-mail: info@work24.ee